Neighborhood Pub with 4cop quota license- Boca Raton
Boca Raton, FL (Palm Beach County)
Asking Price: $625,000
Cash Flow: $N/A
Business Description
Great Old School Pub- Boca Raton – Owners are retiring. Has a full liquor bar with a 4cop quota license. This area is unincorporated which you may stay open until 5:00am if you apply for it. Other places nearby stay open till 5am. Owner benefit is a little over $100,000. This is a very high traffic plaza with your neighbor being a major anchor. Low rent with great lease $4,267. Bar has 14 seats and 6 seats inside and 30 seats outside a total of 50 seats. This Pub can have a lot more traffic with the right marketing. This Pub has been here since 1999 and this owner has it for 12 years. Perfect Pub for a couple to run. Looks like a Pub from up North. This can be a ATM machine printing money with the right experienced owner.
Detailed Information
Location: Boca Raton, FL
Real Estate: Leased
Building SF: 1,200
Lease Expiration: 7/31/2030
Employees: 4
Ad #: 2183914
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